Sustainable events part 1: Fully Charged LIVE
This mini-series explores sustainable events. Today, the events industry is more popular than ever – generating over $1.1 trillion US dollars in global revenue annually and predicted to increase more that 10% over the next 5 years. Nonetheless, the environmental impact of large scale events is significant and difficult to reduce.
In this 3-part series on sustainable events, we’ve chosen three of the most impressive global event organizations with sustainability at their core to understand their visions and challenges for operating a planet-friendly event.
In part 1, we talk with Dan Cæsar, CEO of the Fully Charged Show, the World’s No.1 Clean Energy & Electric Vehicle event. Together we explore the challenges of balancing event necessities with sustainability and how to educate partners on best practices. Fully charged is also a high-profile Podcast and YouTube channel. They discuss the rising popularity of electric vehicles and how Fully Charged Live has been a showcase for and supporter of this technology.
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