Conversations from Earthfest: Julia Pallé, VP of Sustainability at Formula E


In this episode of Racing Green Live, we welcome Julia Pallé, VP of Sustainability at Formula E, to discuss the fascinating intersection of motorsports and sustainability. Julia shares her journey into the world of motorsports and her wake-up call to sustainability, explaining the origins and purpose of Formula E. She provides insights into the impact of removing combustion engines and compares Formula E's environmental footprint with other sports.

We also explore the connections between Formula E, Extreme E, and Formula 1, and discuss the current and future risks posed by climate change to motorsports. Julia shares her observations on industry trends and the challenges she faces in her role, offering a glimpse into the boardroom conversations and the leadership team's concerns and hopes. Finally, she paints a vivid picture of what Formula E could look like in the future, offering an inspiring vision for the future of sustainable motorsports.

Listen to full episode :


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